How AI/ML is Helping MNCs Become Top-Notch Companies

Tinkal Shakya
2 min readJul 29, 2023


AI/ML is a powerful tool that MNCs can use to improve their products and services. By using AI/ML, MNCs can stay ahead of the competition, deliver products that their customers love, and reduce costs. As AI/ML continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see even more innovative ways that MNCs can use this technology to enhance their products and services.


In today’s competitive business landscape, MNCs are constantly looking for ways to improve their products and services. One way they are doing this is by using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). AI/ML can be used to improve a wide range of business processes, from customer service to product development.

Benefits of AI/ML for MNCs:

There are many benefits that MNCs can get from using AI/ML. I mentioned some of the most common benefits include:

  • Improved customer service: AI/ML can be used to automate customer service tasks, such as answering FAQs and resolving simple issues. This can free up human customer service representatives to focus on more complex issues, resulting in a better customer experience.
  • Enhanced product development: AI/ML can be used to gather data and insights from customers, which can then be used to develop new products and services that meet their needs. This can help MNCs to stay ahead of the competition and deliver products that their customers love.
  • Increased efficiency: AI/ML can be used to automate many of the manual tasks that are currently performed by humans. This can free up employees to focus on more strategic tasks, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity.
  • Reduced costs: AI/ML can help MNCs to reduce costs in a number of ways. For example, it can be used to automate tasks that are currently performed by humans, which can save on labor costs. It can also be used to improve efficiency, which can lead to lower operational costs.

How AI/ML is Enhancing MNC Products:

AI/ML is being used to enhance MNC products in a number of ways. For example:

  • Personalize products and services: AI/ML can be used to collect data about customers and their preferences. This data can then be used to personalize products and services, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction.
  • Improve the accuracy of products and services: AI/ML can be used to analyze data and identify patterns. This information can then be used to improve the accuracy of products and services, which can lead to better results for customers.
  • Make products and services more user-friendly: AI/ML can be used to understand how customers interact with products and services. This information can then be used to make products and services more user-friendly, which can lead to increased adoption and usage.

I hope this article was helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.



Tinkal Shakya

Senior Cloud Engineer at Cloudside Technologies Pvt Ltd || DevOps Engineer || MlOps Engineer